Non-paper - 22 May 2017 - Intellectual Property Rights in Myanmar

6 Jun 2017

At present, Myanmar does not have adequate intellectual property rights (IP). Patent, trademark and copyrights regulations are antiquated and insufficient. Moreover, there is no IP governing body and judicial court specifically dealing with intellectual property rights. However, although there are no substantive laws on intellectual property rights, these rights are domestically protected by the following existing laws in Myanmar.

Type of IP

Substantive Law

Related Law

1. Trademark


Myanmar Penal Code (1861)

The Specific Relief Act (1877)

The Sea Customs Act (1878)

The Registration Act (1909)

2. Copyright

Myanmar Copyright Act (1914)

The Specific Relief Act (1877)

The Television and Video Law

3. Patent


Patents and Design (Emergency Provisions) Act (1946)

Specific Relief Act


The Ministry of Science and Technology drafted a new intellectual property law on trademark, copyright, patent, and industrial design to improve the Myanmar business climate. The draft trademark and industrial designs laws were submitted to Parliament in June 2015, whereas the draft copyright and patent laws are still being considered within the government. If the laws are approved, the new Myanmar intellectual property rights law will be more efficient in protecting the rights of IP owners.

For further information, please click: Non-paper - 22 May 2017 - IPR.pdf

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