The Asian Development Bank (ADB) assists the Myanmar Customs Department in developing its Authorized Economic Operations (AEO) scheme

7 Aug 2015
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) assists the Myanmar Customs Department in developing its Authorized Economic Operations (AEO) scheme

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting the Myanmar Customs Department in developing its Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) scheme, a new system that will simplify and expedite the release of imported and exported goods and help the country catch up with Asean counterparts, Thailand’s The Nation reported on 29 July.

At a three-day workshop this week, customs officials will begin developing the AEO scheme, which will allow traders with a good record of customs compliance and a solid commercial-records management system to receive a range of trade-facilitation benefits, including quicker customs processing, the ADB said in a statement.

This week's workshop is just the first part of a comprehensive assistance programme to develop a voluntary accredited trader scheme that will provide a range of trade-facilitation benefits for compliant traders.

Through the workshop, customs officials will identify accreditation criteria and appropriate trade-facilitation measures for AEOs in Myanmar, identify the most appropriate customs-management structure for the AEO scheme, and develop a work plan to pave the way for a detailed AEO implementation plan.


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