Ministry of Education will collaborate with economic sector in order to nurture skilled labor for local and foreign investments

25 กุมภาพันธ์ 2562
Ministry of Education will collaborate with economic sector in order to nurture skilled labor for local and foreign investments

The Minister of the Ministry of Education said his ministry will work with the economic sector in order to nurture skilled labor for local and foreign investments.

The meeting was held on February 2 at UMFCCI between members, experts, and local businessmen. The Minister said, “Only when we can effectively connect the two sectors together, will our pool of available workers improve into a skillful and qualified workforce. I believe that private sector will collaborate with us on this matter.”

The two sectors will collaborate on educating young people, from primary education to higher education, and work together towards a skillful and qualified labor force. by creating technological and vocational training schools as well as providing non-formal education. One example of non-formal education is a mobile school like myMe Myanmar Mobile Education Project. This is a project that has a bus outfitted with a classroom, and brings the school directly to where children work and live.

The President of UMFCCI, U Zaw Min Win, said: “We need competent vocational training, and we are trying to produce skilled workers. That’s why our association is providing the necessary training for the work environment such as degrees like the MBA or electrical training. We welcome the move to collaborate with the education sector and private sector organizations.”

In order to collaborate between the two sectors, Professor Dr. Aung Tun Thet, consultant of UMFCCI, said that government needs to adopt a policy such as school-industry partnership, and then implement the policy in the most effective way. He suggested forming a government and private sector working committee, because collaborating between the education sector and industrial sector is the characteristics of Private Public Partnership.

As part of collaboration between the two sectors, UMFCCI is planning to include the latest practices of the modern-day working environment in its training programs, in addition to the vocational training.


(Myanmar Business Today: )

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