The border trade value reached over USD $ 1.177 billion in over a month of this fiscal year

27 พฤศจิกายน 2562
The border trade value reached over USD $ 1.177 billion in over a month of this fiscal year

Border trade value in over a month this fiscal year has reached over US$1.17 billion exceeding over US$360 million compared to the same period of last fiscal year, according to official figures from the Ministry of Commerce.

From October 1 to November 8 in the current 2019-2020 FY, border trade value amounted to US$1.171 billion while the same period of last FY saw US$808.863 million. So, this year's amount exceeded US$362.891 million.

Border trade value at Muse border trade camp which carries out trade activities between Myanmar and China amounted to nearly US$650 million exceeding over US$290 million compared to the same period of last year. Meanwhile, trade value at Nabulel /Htikhee border trade camp amounted to US$190 million falling by over US$20 million compared to last year.

Myanmar engages in border trade activities with 17 border trade camps such as Muse, Lwejel, Chinshwehaw, Kanpaiktee, Kengtung, Tachilek, Myawady, Kawthoung, Myeik, Nabulel / Htikhee, Mawtaung, Tamu, Reed and Htantalan.

Union Minister for Commerce Dr Than Myint said: "To boost trade, we need to improve both quantity and quality. In import sector, we need to import more capital goods that can generate sustainable economy."

Border trade value at Muse border trade camp which amounted to nearly US$503 million from October 1 to November 1 this financial year exceeding nearly US$160 million compared to the same period of last year.

(Eleven Media Group: )



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